Saturday 1 April 2017

How to Travel On Bi-Cycle


Hum Traveller "Where life mean travel"

Hello Hum Travellers.

Welcome back to hum traveller "where life means travel"                                                     

I have travelled by Bicycle for me cycling is not only the principle of transport and means of transport but also a touch of childhood and joy of riding that I had developed is given by the first ever machine that was made and driven by human 

I preach bi-cycle as a greatest invention of human in 1886 and after that I won't be amazed to see slow and gradual adaptation of Bi-cycle again by human race for the means of transport 

I have seen few companies offering cycling tour for me that look little insane 

oh come on who does need a company to organised a cycling tour and for me those tour's are so expensive 

I always had be-live that travelling cost only time and energy I have time and I Get energy by sun and nature that's very simple

Cycling is best to cover shorter distance its healthy for earth and earthlings 

These are the things i do when I travel
  • Bus stands and Railways stations make best place to stay over don't forget to take platform ticket
  • I am Travelling for "Zero Waste"
  • I don't find any difference in Cycling & Hitchhiking in India It is been followed since ages 
  •  Be self-confident and never give up, even if everybody tells you that it's impossible. 
  • Thrash makes best revenue some one said "one mans thrash is another mans treasure"  
  • Carry Less but The Best
  • Take "Lift" or ride form truck as they do stop for hitchhikers 
  • Truck drivers don't speak English, and sometimes they do not speak Hindi.
  • Hunt for Vitamin C its freely available in nature 

Stay safe and keep yourself healthy spread love around and keep travelling 

Hum Traveller "Where life mean travel"

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