Tuesday, 11 April 2017

Pink Moon "First Full Moon Of the Year"

Hum Traveller "Where life mean travel"

Welcome to Hum traveller 

Moon has been central part of human civilisation .human observation toward this solar bodies had grew stronger because of the moon changing its forms and coming up in new full moon .
Every Full moon is been celebrated around the world there are plenty of festival those are followed in the full moon face every tribes, civilisation has customs and ritual to followed during the full moon
AS per B.B.C report Today's Full Moon Will not be Pink moon will not be Pink 
The reason is very simple like the many culture followed celebration and ritual,customs to every full moon so they named every full moon with some name and this full moon was named by the Native American Tribes They named as per the season as the pink flower grows in the wild areas of Canada and United States
Sprouting Grass Moon, the Egg Moon and the Fish Moon are the different name given to the same moon which is Pink Moon

Here the list of Full Moons and their name according to Farmers' Almanacs Calendar
  • January: "Wolf Moon","Old Moon"
  • February: "Snow Moon", "Hunger Moon"
  • March: "Worm Moon","Crow Moon", "Sap Moon", "Lenten Moon"
  • April: "Pink Moon" "Seed Moon","Sprouting Grass Moon","Egg Moon","Fish Moon"
  • May: "Milk Moon""Milk Moon", "Flower Moon", "Corn Planting Moon"
  • June: "Mead Moon", "Strawberry Moon" "Rose Moon", "Thunder Moon"
  • July: "Hay Moon", "Buck Moon", "Elk Moon", "Thunder Moon"
  • August: "Corn Moon", "Sturgeon Moon", "Red Moon", "Green Corn Moon", "Grain Moon
  • September: "Harvest Moon", "Full Corn Moon",
  • October: "Hunter's moon", "Blood Moon"/"Sanguine Moon"
  • November: "Beaver Moon", "Frosty Moon"
  • December: "Oak Moon", "Cold Moon", "Long Night's Moon"

The date of Easter is the first Sunday following the full moon,
This year Easter falls on 16 April, a week after the Pink Moon.
And Also as Hunuman Jayanti which is avatar of Lord Shiva
The April full moon will also mark the beginning of Jewish Passover.
And If you all guys are waiting for Pink Moon Then remember the
most famous quote of shake-spear "what's their in the name"....
Happy Easter And Wish You All "Gyangunsargar Jayanti"

Stay safe and keep yourself healthy spread love around and keep travelling 

Hum Traveller "Where life mean travel"


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